Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 11 :: January 15th.

Today was a pretty lazy Mommy and Roxy day after Gymboree. We watched some movies and ate a lot of food and that was about it haha. Here she is showing off her giraffe bike and her green Tick [that's what we call her blankets.. its what my brother and I called ours, no idea why! ] She's in her crib watching Pippi Longstocking [I think it's her NEW favorite movie] and I can hear her singing along with the songs.. She's so funny<3

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 10 :: January 14th.

Well, today Roxy decided to be the spawn of Satan. Not only did she destroy the house multiple times in the past 3 1/2 hours that I've been home, spill the water out of the bucket that I was using to mop, and get two timeouts, but she decided that my camera needed to be smashed off of the linoleum floor. It's safe to say that my camera is dead. Thankfully Nick has an extra I can use until I can buy a new one at income tax time.. This is a Droid picture of Miss Terror eating her "wamelon" before she decided she wanted to get in her crib and watch Elf.. the hugs and kisses she smothered me with before I left her room definitely made up for the smashed camera.. I love her<3

Day 9 :: January 13th.

Yesterday we did a lot of rushing around right after I got out of work.. went to visit Grammy and Tay at work then went to Toys R Us to spend our Rewards R Us Dollars on two new movies [The New Adventures of Pippi Longstocking and Buddy] and then hung out at Grammy's long enough to eat dinner and then we came home and Miss Roxy went right up in her room to watch Pippi so I forgot to take a picture.. buttt here is an awesome picture from Wednesday of her after attempting to make a snow angel. I love this girl<3

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 8 :: January 12th.

I went out in the kitchen to try and get Coil to come inside [he will NOT come inside for me no matter what I do..] and all of the sudden I hear "MOMMY!!!! MOMMY!".. I walk in the room to find Roxy stuck between the two couches! "MOMMY! STUCK! STUCK!" So I do what any normal parent would do, "Roxy, can I take your picture before I help you?" "Okay! SMIIIIIIIIIILE!!!" Hahaha

Monday, January 10, 2011

Day 6 :: January 10th.

Roxy showing off the mess she made when she dumped a box of macaroni and cheese all over the kitchen floor.. Pugsley was trying to decide if he should eat the noodles or not before I swept them up haha.

Day 5 :: January 9th.

Rosy stayed over her Gram and Pop's Saturday night. Daddy and I got to sleep in since Daddy had a show Saturday night. No pictures were taken on Sunday.. what a bad blogger :(